Security Platforms

Data Security Platform (T-DSP)

A Data Security Platform (DSP) is a category of security products that replaces traditionally disparate security tools.Many businesses are using PCs, networks, and servers to store their organization’s vital information (which, in most cases, contain private and financial information of clients and customers) and manage their core operations. This stresses the importance of having a good and reliable security system in place


  • Antimalware software.
  • Application whitelisting.
  • Device control.
  • Endpoint data loss prevention (DLP)
  • Host-based intrusion detection/prevention system
  • Storage encryption.

System Requirement

  • Operating System : Window XP SP3
  • CPU : Core 2 Duo or Athlon X2 at 2.4GHz
  • Memory : 512 MB RAM
  • Hard Drive : 250 MB of free space